OPS-201: Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes
Why Docker?
Docker architecture
Containers vs Images
Virtual Machines or Docker Containers?
Install Docker
Set up nginx using Docker
Create a Docker Hub account
Docker commit vs Dockerfile
Infrastructure as Code
Dockerfile main commands
Create your own images
Bind host to container ports
Mount external volumes
Pass environment variables to containers
Extra parameters in docker run command
Push images to your Docker Hub account
Create Docker Hub automated builds
Docker Tips and Best Practices
Docker Compose
Kubernetes Introduction
Container Orchestration
Introduction to Kubernetes
Install kubectl
Create a Kubernetes simple environment with Minikube
Create a Kubernetes cluster using Vagrant and CoreOS
Replica Sets
Scale pods using kubectl
Deploy a Spring Boot application
Persistent data using Volumes
Kubernetes Web UI
Health Checks
Deploying Nginx as a reverse proxy using ConfigMap for nginx.conf
Using Secrets to inject passwords to the Spring Boot application
Ingress Controller
Introduction to Microservices and Service Discovery
Kubernetes metrics with Heapster, InfluxDB and Grafana
Kubernetes Auto Scaling
Namespaces and quotas
Kubernetes Jobs
Kubernetes Rolling deployments
24 Hours
Is this course a set of recorded videos?
No. All classes are live, online and with screen sharing.
How many people can attend to this course at a time?
All courses are individual. This way I can completely focus on your needs and answer all your questions.
What about the dates and prices?
As the course is individual, we only need to adjust the date and time that better fits for you and me. To know the prices for this course, please send a message to me. Thanks!